Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Outfit Love: Navy and White

When I go out shopping I don't buy specific brands, I buy what catches my eye and suites my needs. This means I get my stuff from interesting places, places that most people won't be caught dead in. If I think about it, I'm quite the opportunistic buyer. Somehow Navy& White have made their way into my closet. I should have seen it coming, though. When I just started studying Textile design back in 2004, my Grandmother (on my mom's side) gave me a navy flair skirt with white polka dots. She had worn in when she was much younger. Man, how I love that skirt! I still have it today, I don't wear it as much now because the elastic has disintegrated. Any hooo... ever since then little pieces of navy have sneaked into my closet and are slowly busy taking over.    

 -these pieces have been collected over the past three years, the skirt is the most recent-

Navy Blazer ~ Mr. Price
Stripey Tank ~ Mr.Price
Lace Skirt ~ Cherokee from our local Pick'n'Pay clothing store
Navy Peep-toes ~ from our local Pep stores

-who would ever have thought you'd get shoes this lovely at Pep stores? they remind me of a
pair of shoes my mom had when she was my age and they do have a bit of a retro vibe, don't they?-

~I love it when an outfit comes together~


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